The Background Story:

The Founder
The Foundation was established in 2022 by Joanita Smit. Her passion for Mental Health and Abuse are fueled by personal experience as a gang rape survivor and being diagnosed with mental health disorders. Her words and actions are her testimony that you can live a "normal" life even if you suffer from mental health disorders or been a victim of abuse.

The Name:
When it came to choosing a name for her foundation, she knew that it had to be something unique, personal and part of her passion. She is a true believer that love can conquer all and this had to be part of the name. The unique part is a combination of her surname and passion. She decided to use Smitten but replacing the i with a semicolon.
Why the semicolon?
It symbolize affirmation and solidarity against suicide "my story isn't over yet"

Pro Bono Couselling:
Joanita Is a firm believer that no one asked to suffer with their mental health or deserve to be abused in anyway. Due to this belief she provides counselling Pro-Bono to everyone reaching out to her over social media